
Free App -- See The Power of Your Social Ripple

Rippln Communicator

Rippln is a new app that will let you see how your social connections spread or ripple around the world. When launched, Rippln will be a FREE APP that you and your friends can download. Use it to communicate, play games, and even share the coolest new products and services with one another. Plus, the communicator itself looks like it will offer new ways to communicate with your friends!

Rippln RippleTotally optional, you'll also be able to earn money from your social influence with Rippln when people in your ripple make purchases. There is a cost, however, for you to earn from that power.
 For details, watch the video below.  

Almost 1,300,000 people have already joined, and it hasn't even gone live yet!
 Come see what all of the buzz is about:

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